Convert Today
Get a real-time view of your cashflow
Log in online anytime, anywhere on your Mac, PC, tablet or phone and see up-to-date financials. It’s small business accounting software that’s simple and smart and provides you with a better way to run your business.
Automatic bank reconciliation
Connect Xero to your bank account and get your bank statements imported and categorised automatically. Match statement lines from your bank account with invoices and transactions you create in Xero, reconciling your bank account is simple and fast.
Seamless online accounting and payroll software
With payroll in Xero it’s easy to process your payroll on the go from anywhere. Stay compliant, pay your employees and file reports with Inland Revenue. Your payroll information automatically updates into the general ledger and employees can be given a login to apply for leave and update their information.
Get paid faster with online invoicing software
Improve your cash conversion cycle and get paid quickly and easily when you send online invoices. You'll have a better connection with your customers – and know when they've opened your invoice.
Simple inventory management software
Inventory management in Xero tracks the value of your inventory and improves stock control. For advanced small business inventory management, browse the inventory tools that integrate with Xero.
Connect to 500+ third-party apps
Inventory, invoicing, time tracking, CRM, job management
and more, all integrate with Xero and make up the Xero ecosystem.
Talk to the WorkSmart team today about Xero setup, migration and Add-On integration