PropertySuite & Xero

Smart Systems for Real Estate Agencies

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PropertySuite and Xero - seamless integration between two industry leading software solutions


PropertySuite - Xero Integration

PropertySuite allows for seamless transfer of all sales information including settlement , marketing, referral and salesperson invoices to Xero. WorkSmart can provide end to end project management of your Agency's Xero set up and PropertySuite integration. No more double entry of data means administration staff will have more time to focus on value-added activities across your agency. We believe understanding your system is paramount and will ensure all relevant staff are fully trained in using Xero and PropertySuite integration functions.



PropertySuite - Payroll Integration

PropertySuite is powerfully equipped to integrate commissions to select Payroll systems.  Payroll integration ensures your administration staff will only handle commission data entry only once, therefore eliminating needless double entry. WorkSmart can provide an integration service to map your commission payments, taxable, non taxable deductions and withholding tax straight from PropertySuite into one of three Payroll partners that interface with PropertySuite.  



Xero setup for Real Estate Agents

WorkSmart can also assist your Agents to take advantage of Xero to manage their commissions, finances and business entity.  Agents generally act as contractors or under Company umbrellas, our team can also facilitate their adoption of Xero to help manage their business, GST and profit and loss reporting.  With a one off set up fee and some basic training your agents can ensure they are taking advantage of all relevant tax deductions. Furthermore, with various transactions occurring between agency and agent our team can assist all parties to take advantage of the Xero to Xero network link allowing for seamless transfer of financial transactions between each parties Xero subscriptions.



WorkSmart are proud to work with PropertySuite as implementation partners, talk to us today about integration with Xero and payroll